May 28, 2010

A nice date.

To do a little celebrating on our anniversary on Tuesday,
Greg took us out to The Garden in downtown SLC.
It turned out to be a beautiful night and Lydia was making friends
left and right by yelling (with happiness) throughout dinner.
She was in a very funny mood.
And the flowers were absolutely beautiful around the temple!


jkzank said...

You are the cutest little family! I'm a little jealous of the beautiful flowers and weather you are having!

Kristen said...

cute pics as usual! I love the one with Lydia and the temple in the background with your feet sticking out! You Simmons are funny folk!

{Layla} said...

FABULOUS pictures. those flowers ARE lovely.

ThE CrAZy GaTEs! said...

I love the picture of Lydia in front of the temple. it will be so fun in 20 years... maybe 25 to take another one of her, in her wedding gown..

Brittney said...

I love her tiny piggie.

Magdalena said...

Okay, her hair?! Cutest thing your side of the Mississippi. And your photography just keeps getting better and better.