May 25, 2010

The 7 year itch.

Today marks our 7 year anniversary
of the start of our relationship.
Greg also proposed to me four years ago today.
I love several things about the way Greg proposed:

-He was wearing a suit and I was wearing a skirt and heels
-we were all alone on the top of the conference center
-strangers started clapping for us the minute we walked into the conference center
-we celebrated our engagement by eating at The Garden restaurant just us two afterwards
-I didn't see the proposal coming, which I always thought I would
-the words Greg said while proposing
-how natural it felt to have Greg put that ring on my finger.

I could list several more, but that would just be overdoing it
although I am sure I already did!
People say that you get "itchy" of the 
relationship you are in at 7 years.
But I'm not feeling itchy!  How about you Gregory?

1 comment:

Curtiss & Ginger said...

Happy 7 Years!!!! Wow...that really is way long! Crazy! and CONGRATS!!! Lets go to La Caille and celebrate! :) :)