January 24, 2010

362 Project. Week Three.

14/362- Lydia's dirty clothes just waiting to be picked up.

15/362- Charlotte and her footprints in the snow.

16/362- Lydia giggling with her eyes closed.

17/362- My t-shirt and jeans.

18/362- My very messy fabric scrap pile.

19/362- My dirty sweats and Lydia.
I got some kind of food poisoning on Friday night.  Which made me get up and go to the bathroom all night long.  Lydia had to get a cold that same night and couldn't sleep at all either.
LONGEST night ever.  Or at least it felt like it.
So Saturday was spent recovering all day in sweats.

20/362- Greg being a good model for his wife.


Johanna said...

Kara, your blog is so cute and your pictures are AWESOME! I'm so sorry you got sick on Friday:( It was fun hanging out though!

The Brandt Family said...

PLEASE dont think that you are bugging me AT ALL. you would be amazed at how much seemingly "little" comments and gestures have done for us. so thank you. very much. i have looked at that girl's (maybe lady-i never know what to say-girl sounds young and lady sounds old!) blog-and wow. she is such an inspiration! i am so very grateful you told me about her-i will definately be keeping up on her blog. thank you so much.
your little picture project is fun-i like it. you are a great photographer!