June 1, 2009

The Mississippi.

Yesterday afternoon, Greg and I went to a park right across the Mississippi river from our apartments here in Minnesota with friends. I was o' so excited to go to this park because I saw there were steps where you could go right down to the river.
That was the first thing we did when we got there. Charlotte walked right to the bottom of the steps, saw something in the water she wanted, and hopped right in! She came up shocked and gasping for air. Greg and I immediately started laughing, being the good dog parents we are. Greg fortunately had her on her leash and just yanked her right out of that dirty Mississippi river, if not, looks like Greg would have had to jump in after her.

As you can see she is a little shocked and embarrassed still, but she learned a valuable lesson,
don't jump in the smelly river water no matter how fun it looks.


jkzank said...

That was a fun day at the park! I liked it. And yes, Charlotte learned a great lesson!

Heather said...

Kara you look beautiful, as always! I love the picture of you and Greg in sunglasses! What a cute couple! I didn't know the Mississippi River was really dirty...that's probably common knowledge but oh well! At least the city looks really neat!

Heather said...

I love that you are so good at blogging. It helps me know whats going on a little bit. Like the fact that you have a dog. I had no clue. I guess thats what happens when you stop blogging for 4 months. She's really cute! I love your belly. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Note to self: Water is not always pleasant. She looks so cute all soaked and confused!

Unknown said...

Cute Charlotte! What a funny dog! You and greg both look great! Times is ticking down! :) only a few more weeks! Yay!

Kelsie Thueson said...

haha. that's so funny! what would have been more funny is if greg would have had to jump in!

The Thueson's said...

Hahaha!! Poor Charlotte. Have you bathed her yet?

Cami said...

Looks like you guys are having lots of fun! You are SO cute pregnant, you look great, can't wait to see pictures of your baby girl!!! oh and gosh you are so crafty and creative, all your projects are darling. have fun!