September 8, 2010


We are keeping real busy here at the Simmons.
Lydia is especially keeping busy by grabbing anything she can find
and putting them different places for me to find.
Like these four balls that belong to a toy of hers.
She loves to carry them, throw them, try to eat them, hide them, etc.
It's become a huge hobby of mine to make sure the four balls are in the toy at night.
For a week, I couldn't find one.  Drove me nuts!
I finally found it in her sock drawer.  
Made my day and I even sang a song and danced around I was so happy to find it.
Why did I just tell you about that?  I don't know.
But maybe that's the kind of stuff that's keeping us busy around here.
Or maybe it's late and I am rambling.

But I took these a month ago of Lyds
and am now just showing them off.
Crazy how fast these babies can grow and change.
Tonight she sat in my lap and cuddled for a half hour and watched
cookie monster on you tube on my lap top.
It was real nice.


Kristen said...

That Lydie sure is a cutie! We love having her over to play! Bring her over anytime you need to do some work & not worry about where she is putting those balls!

Unknown said...

Those turned out sooo cute! Oh and I love your rambling...I do it all the time too. But I have a pet peeve kindof like that...I like at night to make sure all the toys are found, accounted for, and put where they need to be. anyways, lydia is adorable!

{Layla} said...

A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. pictures.
cute, CUTE, cute dress too. =)