May 2, 2010

April Showers.

Hopefully all of those April showers...
will turn into May flowers!
(Greg was studying for his finals next week all day today.  I got a little bored, could you tell?)


Kristen said...

So cute! You need to be bored at my house and come take pictures of my kiddies! Oh yeah, you would have to be bored and insane to want to take that on! We will see how Monday goes!

Unknown said...

hahaha. You are so cute Kara!! Love it!!!

Heather said...

Did you really cut out all of those rain drops? You are so funny. I wish I could come up with cute stuff like that when I'm bored!

The Baldwin's said...

shut up! cutest post you've ever done! adorable baby gal!

{Layla} said...

you are so creative woman.

Nessa said...

That is such a darling idea!