Last Friday morning I had a craving to make shish kabobs on the grill.
I marinated the chicken, chopped the veggies and Greg grilled them that evening for dinner.
I also made some red potato fries.
It was awesome.
While thinking how awesome this was I thought, we could do this every night this summer if we wanted because Greg is no longer selling security systems in the summer until who knows
what time at night, six nights a week. And that made me really excited.
So we will be eating a lot of meals like this this summer at a decent dinner time.
Awesome!!!(I think I should add some more exclamation points I am that happy)
Charlotte will always be begging for a handout.
Greg will also be able to golf a lot more.
Can you see my excitement for golf?
It seems that Lydia got a kick out of it, so I guess I will too.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... That's how jealous I am. If people were nice, security systems wouldn't exist. : (
can't wait til our selling days are over. maybe in a few years we will have some normality back in our lives. Have a lovely summer with your cute family Kara. xoxo
Way to rub it in our faces! You lucky dogs!!!
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