March 16, 2010

My birthday rundown.

My birthday started out with needing to make a call to the pediatrician for Lydia.
She has had a bad cough and constant runny nose for the past week.
Luckily, they got us in that day!
Greg and Lydia waiting patiently for the doctor.
Did I mention Lydia waves to people now?  It's adorable.  That's what she was doing in the picture.
She is so proud of herself.
Turns out Lydia has a ear infection and the cough just has to run it's course!
So off to a pharmacy to get her medicine.
While the prescription was getting filled Greg and I helped ourselves to smoothie drinks and getting white chocolate Lindt truffles.  They are divine.
Greg shared his smoothie with Lydia.  I wasn't as generous, but hey, it was my birthday!
My birthday night led us to downtown SLC.
We dined at Rio Grande Cafe.
They make a killer vegetable enchilada.
And Greg tried teaching Lydia on how to drink from a cup.
Shopping then followed.
Greg entertained the babe while I shopped.
Ages from left to right:
24 years and 355 days old, seven months and 15 days old, and 25 years old exactly.
We had to make a quick stop at Greg's work for Greg to finish up some work.
Lydia sat on his desk and his chair. 
She tried to make a mess, but there was only a phone to fool around with.
Here is me shouting for joy for a fantastic birthday.
And being extremely upset it has ended.
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes!  

P.S. My blog has deleted all my comments on past posts and my archives are all messed up.  Has this happened to anyone before?  It's really bugging me.
P.P.S. Check out my photo blog for a cute brown eyed little girl.


RIndi said...

So fun! Gosh I need to try out those enchiladas, they look great! I hope you had a great birthday! And Lydia is just as cute as ever! SHe's at such a fun age! I'm glad she wasn't sick with anything serious! Hopefully she gets better soon!

... said...

What a fun birthday! Happy belated Birthday Kara!

Travis Sadi and Taiya said...

Happy Happy late birthday Kara!!! Looks like you had a great one! I love that Lydia waves bye bye now... how stinking' cute!! All Taiya knows is that it means I'm leaving and so she wants nothing to do with it! We are working on that one :) Lydia is such a doll! I can't get over how cute all her little headbands are... I want to learn to make those... SO CUTE!

The Baldwin's said...

happy late birthday! you are Lydia are adorable, Greg's a lucky guy! i didn't know our birthdays were so close and not to mention our girls are close too, fun!! and Rio Grande is our favorite Mexican restaurant too, we love love it!!

The Rindi's said...

Looks like so much fun!!! Your hair is getting so long!! I love it!!