March 21, 2010

A bummer post.

This was supposed to be a 362 day post.  But guess what?
I have no idea where I put the pics for the project besides these ones on me computer.
It really bugs me.
Plus, I just came down with the chills or something weird tonight.  I have no energy and I cannot get warm enough.
Lydia is having such a hard time sleeping lately.  She wakes up screaming her head off for at least the past two weeks and I can't calm her down.  She never acts like this so I have no idea what to do for her.
I give her motrin and her ear infection antibiotics but she still wakes up.
She still naps like an angel though.  Weird.
She acts like she's teething, but there is no redness or swelling on any of her gums.
Anybody out there have their baby act like this?
Besides all the bummers I just listed,
I had a great weekend!  I really did.  No sarcasm.  I got so much done and had fun on a date without Lydia even.
And its Greg's last spring break this week.  Yippeeee!
Maybe I will find the lost pics eventually when in a better mood.
I feel that a good nights rest is just what I need.  Hopefully, Lydia will have a better night too.
I really can't be that sick if I can type right?


Stacy Swapp said...

Bring Lydia over sometime so you can take a nap! I'm not kidding......if you are sick and you don't call me and take me up on my offer I will not be a happy person! Hope you all get feeling better!

The Rindi's said...

Brynlee used to do that and her Dr said it could be that her teeth were moving around I just couldn't see it yet. I'm sorry sad ornery children are no fun!! I hope you both feel better soon!!! If you ever need to, we would LOVE to take Lydia for a few hours. Brynlee would love her I know it!!

Angie said...

I hope you have a better week, I would love to watch Lydia for you too. Who's big girl was that in the swing? Jk but she looks so big. I can't wait for our weekly playdates at the park, it's almost warm enough, I love the swings!

Cara and Mike said...

Ugh... feeling sick and not getting a full nights sleep is so hard! I am so sorry!! She really is ADOREABLE ;) You and Greg did really well! :)

Magdalena said...

Hylands teething tablets saved us during the time of 3am - 5am wake up and scream extravaganza. Mini was about ten months to a year old from screaming start to finish. Hang in there, you are such a great mom.

Heather said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. It's hard to be the mom when your sick, especially when your baby won't let you sleep. All of my kids at one time or another had times of no sleep. Hang in there. Let your friends help you out so you can get some rest. I'd help if I were there.

Unknown said...

I am sorry you are sick! Ugh! Sounds like you were having a rough one! I hope you and cute lydia get feeling better soon so you can enjoy alittle of greg's spring break.

Brittney said...

how old is she? Could be sleep regression. I had to search a lot to learn about it. It is caused by growth spurts and happens at pretty consistent age intervals as they grow. It will end if that is the cause. I never had to deal with it with Boston, but Scarlett hit it at exactly all the expected week/month marks. It was so hard. There really is nothing you can do but wait for them to "grow out of it" It usually lasts a week to two weeks-ish.
I've bunches of links somewhere if you want them.