February 19, 2010


I made bruschetta for my family's Valentine dinner.
I was so proud.
I kept asking everyone, "Have you tried the bruschetta?"
And saying,
"It's really good bruschetta!",
"I made this bruschetta, have some!"
Everyone humored me and said it was delicious bruschetta
because I am the youngest of the family.
And they are used to humoring me.
Gregory thought the bruschetta was delicious.
Kristen did too, but Tayden was much yummier to smooch on.
Madre made a plethora of italian dishes.
Kristen and I conked out from eating too much...bruschetta.
Are you sick of me typing bruschetta yet?
Greg kept bugging, I mean asking, Madre to make pina coladas.
She finally caved in and served them up to us in nice glasses even!
Lydia enjoying a nice cold one.
 Lydia couldn't figure out how to use the straw,
so I didn't have to share!
That drink was all mine.
Virign style of course.

Now I am telling you that you MUST look at my photo blog.
RUN don't walk(if that's possible) to my photo blog,
is that adorable.


Magdalena said...

Oh man, pass me some of that pina - looks delicious! And she looks so big sipping out of that straw. Such a cute little family.

Kristen said...

That bruschetta was dang good stuff. I wasn't just being nice. And that picture of me sleeping? Awesome. It is a wonder Jeremy still loves me if that is what I look like sleeping. What a darling picture of Lyds drinking the pina! That was delightful also!

Jonathan and Krysten Olson said...

Your bruscetta looks amazing, I love that stuff:) Lydia just gets cuter by the day!

Heather said...

Looks delicious Kara. Love the photos. Now I want Pina coladas.

{Layla} said...

ok that BRUSCHETTA looks Ammmm--azing! Nice work. Those pina coladas make me want to be somewhere warm. soon please.

Unknown said...

That bruschetta looks delish! of course we missed out! dang living in omaha! but can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks! love ya!

Janelle said...

hey I was wondering.. remember that car seat cover you have for Lydia? did you make that or buy it? Either way, i want to know where you got it, or where the tutorial is! Let me know.. thanks!!!