February 7, 2010

362 Project. Week Five.

 28/362- Picture of a picture.
 29/362- Cute jewelry stamps made with friends.
30/362- Admiring Lydia's new furniture.
31/362- My wet hair.
32/362- Lydia's bandaid from her six month vaccines.
33/362- Lydia and Greg enjoying a somewhat warm Saturday.
34/362- Cowboy salsa (Thanks for the recipe Jacey!) and chips for Superbowl party.
Have you taken a look at my photo blog lately?
I just might have some adorable photos up!


Letti said...

I love that you are doing this. YOu need to post that salsa recipe it looks delicious.

I am going to check out your photo blog.

Heather said...

Great pictures as always Kara. That salsa does look yummy.

Jacey said...

yummy I love that salsa! love the pic of greg and Lydia...precious!

Magdalena said...

Any salsa is good salsa I say, but that one looks doubly yummy. Called you and left a message, text me gradmama's coordinates yo!

The Baldwin's said...

these posts are like my fave thing to look at each week, you are so awesome and talented :) so a big question cause you're always my go to girl when i have a question haha- so at the end of your post you put check out my blog "here" and when you click on "here" it links you over...did i miss this in computer class at BHS or something? i know it's gotta be easy, but how do you do it?!? Thanks Kara!

Travis Sadi and Taiya said...

Kara I seriously love your pictures. Have I told you that yet? Oh yeah only about a hundred times!!! Hey where did you get Lydia's highchair??? I love that one and need to get one asap!!