January 3, 2010

Lydia is happy.

Why is Lydia so happy you may ask?
It's because she is wearing these new adorable headbands from
of course!

Being all dolled up in these headbands sure puts Lydia in a good mood!
Go here to purchase.
And check out
for more headband goodness.


Curtiss & Ginger said...

oh my goodness Kara!! First of all Lydia is the cutest little girl EVER and THOSE ARE SOOO ADORABLE ON HER!!!!! I cant get over it!! How darling!!

Heather said...

I love the head bands and Lydia looks so cute. The purple one is my favortite!!!

Magdalena said...

Thank you for sharing your talent and beautiful baby Kara. Everyone loves these and I'm sure it's because of the lovely model. You are the best.