December 12, 2009

Lydia's hobbies.

Lydia's favorite hobbies lately are pulling my hair and pulling at her socks.
Guess which one is less painful for me?
I love you Lydia!



Kristen said...

Sure it is cute now but just wait until she gets to be Eme's age and that cute thing that she does know well send you over the edge later! Weird that happens! She is a cutie though! I bet you will never get mad at her!

{Layla} said...

my o my, love these pictures. She is SO stinkin cute.

Adam said...

Seriously beautiful, honest photos Mrs. Simmons. You both look perfect in these.

Adam said...

That was Magdalena, not some random who loves you named Adam. {I'm sure you have an Adam that loves you somewhere though.}