October 7, 2009

Do not read.

Don't read this books.  They are so addicting you will neglect your children, husband, dog, and errands that need to be done.
And then you will even make a blog post about them you are still so obsessed with the story.
But I am glad I did!
Thanks Jacey for getting me hooked.


Unknown said...

There are so many girls out here that are reading them right now! They absolutely LOVE those books. Looks like I am going to have to start them.

Stacy Swapp said...

You scared me for a minute. My dad just gave my girls The Hunger Games to read and I thought you were going to say they were inappropriate books! Thank Goodness they're not or I would really have to wonder about my dad!

jkzank said...

Ooh I want to read these! Luckily I don't have a child or a dog to neglect yet and the hubby and errands will just have to wait once I get my hands on these books! Thanks Kara!

Kristen said...

Well now I am curious. Looks like I will have to see if I can get them!

Krystal said...

Ive wanted to read those books but they are always out at the library.

The Baldwin's said...

those are totally amazing i agree!! i hate that she leaves us hanging for the next one though!!

Jessica A said...

These are my favorites! I can hardly stand to wait a year for the final book. It is just cruel don't ya think!

Jacey said...

Glad you liked them. They are definitely way to emotionally addicting. But what can you do, you just have to love those characters?!

Unknown said...

Oh yay! I love hearing about new books! With alan working the night shift I have a lot of time to read. Thanks Kara!