September 20, 2009

Quick trip to St. George.

Madre needed to go down to St. George for work for a couple of days and invited me along for the ride last week since Greg is busy in school.
I was able to visit my Dad and step-mom and they loved being able to get some time with Lydia.

Lydia met a cousin named Claire who is almost a month younger than her.
The difference between them was quite comical. Lydia has turned into a girl with more than a little junk in the trunk, and Claire is just tiny!
We also figured that just one of Lydia's eyes is the same size of both of Claire's.
What cuties these two are!
Lydia got a lot of cat naps in while I got to eat out.
And that's what I call a good quick trip.


Kristen said...

I am still sad I wasn't able to go. No fair!

britta said...

I have missed so many posts! I can't believe how big Lydia is already! SHe is BEAUTIFUL! What a sweet face! You look amazing Kara! Motherhood has been good to you! Sweet boots, blessing post, and everything else. Babies make life wonderful.

Heather said...

Those are some cute little girls. I can't believe the difference between the two. It was really fun to visit with you. Lydia is a cutie.