August 10, 2009

Our three years.

Three years ago today Greg and I were married in the Salt Lake Temple.
Due to having Lydia we kind forgot about planning something for our anniversary or even giving each other gifts.
But I figure we have given each other something a little different this year:

I gave birth to a baby for Greg. Huge present, I know.

Greg's presents were holding my hand and helping me breathe through contractions,
holding my head and telling me how amazing I was as I pushed Lydia out,
and he even gave me sympathy pains by almost passing out while watching my IV stick.
I love you Gregory. Happy Anniversary!


The Rindi's said...

Happy Anniversary!! I would say you guys both got the best present this year!! Boys are so weird when it comes to needles that's how Mike was, he was fine with everything else just not the needles. Weirdos!!

Anonymous said...

Oh how sweet... Happy anniversary!

Heather said...

I just love you guys! You are so cute and fun! I honestly can't wait to see you guys and little Lydia! I can see a sparke in your eye just from the pictures!

Kristen said...

What better way to celebrate three years?! Congrats!

RIndi said...

I haven't got to tell you yet CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so excited for you! She is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous!!! And what a cute family you guys are! I can't believe you have pics of you with your hair done! I swear the first six months for me was a ponytail and sweats . . . lucky Joe! Anyway congrats again! She is so precious!!!!

Tara Thueson said...

Happy Anniversary!! Hope it was filled with lots of umm... a whole lot of making out. hahaha!!