August 23, 2009

Hot wheels.

Madre got herself a pair of hot wheels! I have taken this baby on a spin several times since being home. Madre takes the baby and I get to cruise around her neighborhood like I am hot stuff.

As you can see Charlotte loves it too...

Not really. I put her in the basket started pedaling then hit a bump and poor Charlotte jumped out and landed on her head I think. Now she doesn't trust me around that bike. I don't blame the dog.


The Rindi's said...

Ok first off HELLO did you seriously just have a baby? You don't look like it!! I love the bike I have been asking Mike for one for some time now maybe I'll get one soon although I won't look as great as you do and there is NO way Diesel would ever let me put him in a basket!! We need to get together soon!!

britta said...

WOOT WOOT! I think you need something similar!!!!!! She is truly a beauty!

Curtiss & Ginger said...

You are too DALRING to just have had a baby!! You look GREAT Kara! I love the bike too..I have a pink one...let me know when you wanna got on a road trip! :)