July 16, 2009

Getting prepared.

It was our third weekly doctor visit today, and only one more to go. Our baby is making very slow progress in each visit, but you never know when they are going to make their big debut right? At least that's what I keep telling myself.
To get prepared for celebration after labor and delivery Greg and I bought some sparkling french berry lemonade. Doesn't it look delish? I can't wait to drink some for a million different reasons.


Heather said...

I can't believe how close you are. I'm so jealous. Although this is my last pregnancy and I think I will actually be a little sad when it's over. BUT, there is nothing like giving birth. It is by far the coolest thing on the planet. I'm so excited for you!!!

britta said...

how exciting!!!! What an anxious time... all the anticipation... In the last appointment we had before Mel was born, our Dr. told us to REALLY take advantage of EVERY day we had with just the two of us, because things would never be the same. :) SO TRUE! And, that Mel would come when he was ready... as she said, "a ripe fruit falls from the tree." :)

I am soooooo excited for you guys- I miss the stage you are in!

Lisa Edstrom said...

Congrats! You look terrific! Wish I would have looked like that! ): How are you? Can't wait to see your little one. We had a girls night last night, I missed u! ):

You are so creative with your photography! Do you photoshop a lot, or do you have it on certain settings that make it look so nice. I got a Canon Rebel, but I don't really know how to use it. (: