June 12, 2009

My version of nesting.

I suppose this is my version of "nesting, " sewing a bunch of stuff to make me feel somewhat prepared. Here is a car seat cover with our new car seat underneath. We even have a stroller as well! Now what else do you need for a baby? Please tell me...


britta said...

For REALS... if you plan on breastfeeding, you MUST as in MUST MUST MUST invest in a nursing cover that has a rigid top, which facilitates seeing your baby as she nurses, (which is important if you need to help her latch in those first few months) while you are nicely covered.... I got "bebe au lait" and it was an honest LIFESAVER! Get it online!
Also, something else that has saved my life, is the "ergo baby carrier"... seriously, I've tried SOOOOOOOOO many, and this one is THE best. It is magic. It puts all the wait of the baby on your hips, not your back... which may not seem a big deal when baby is 7 pounds or so... but once they are 24 etc. that because EXTREMELY important...also, it is designed so baby is SITTING, not hanging by her poor crotch like the bjorn carrier,(nothing against the bjorn, it's just that the ergo is way better! :0 hummmmm..... yep... my two most important purchases for Mel...
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your carrier cover!

Kristen said...

HELLO???!!!! You didn't tell me you got the car seat! See I knew I would be missing out on lots! Post pictures of that for heavens sake! BTW, the cover is very cute. Yet another thing you will be showing me how to make when we have another child.

Unknown said...

So cute!!! Well to go along with what your friend Britta was saying about a nursing cover...Alot of my friends go with the Hooter Hider brand. It is a total MUST HAVE! a bouncer or a swing is also a must have! Baby Papisan (spelling?) is amazing and cute! and make sure you remember stuff for you at the hospital...like nursing bras and pads. Kara your little angel is coming so soon! I cant wait!! Call me if you have any questions!!!! Love you guys!!!

Brittney said...

I have one of these and I LOVE it. It keeps strangers from putting their grubby mitts on my baby. Why people feel the need to touch my child is beyond me.

Also, a MOBY. I have every sling wrap and child carrier available and it is the best. It is the most hands free and the only that doesn't put strain on my back and shoulders. Every time I put Scarlett in she falls asleep. She loves it. I use it to go hiking as well as go grocery shopping. It is another way to keep people from touching her.

Mel said...

Dear Kara...

I often look at your blog & feel like a TERRIBLE mother because I don't even know how to SEW!! For the sake of my unborn dauther I was wondering if whenever you make something you could just make 2, 1 for you & 1 for me, so that I can store them away for a few montsh & then my daughter will think that I am talented too!! HaHa! jk! For real though if you are feeling extra ambitious let me know & I'll pay ya to make me some stuff!! Hope you are feeling well! You look awesome! You're SO close!! How EXCITING!!!! Names?? Good Luck with everything! ;)

Angie said...

You did a great job, everything you make looks awsome. I hate when my carseat cover is in the wash, I love it.
I couldn't live without my boucer, I use it everyday. I put it in my bathroom so when I am showering and getting ready Kenley has something to do. I also love my diaper pail, I got it at target, it's the first years brand and it uses regualar garbage bags. It's so nice so you don't have stinky diapers stinking up your house.
I love all the fun baby things. When are we going to have a shower for you?? When are you guys coming home? I can't wait to see your beautiful girl.

Jacobson said...

Hey Kara! Looks like you are just patiently waiting for that little girl! That car seat cover is SO cute! Did you make that up yourself or did you have a pattern? If you don't mind I would love to learn how to make one. You have the cutest stuff! I hope everything is going well for your family!