My Grandpa Walser passed away last Thursday. He had a stroke last Wednesday and died less than 24 hours later.
I was able to hold his hand one last time and say goodbye to him before he did pass on in the hospital.
My Grandpa in his younger years and wasn't he handsome?! My goodness, my Grandma was a lucky woman.
His funeral was yesterday and it was such a beautiful service. Grandpa served the in the Air Force during World War II and the Air Force took part in his funeral to honor him.
The Air Force even had two jet fighter pilots fly over the service to honor Grandpa. I bet he was loving that.
My Grandma Walser passed away nearly five years ago. It brings my family and I great happiness to know they are reunited. Their life together was such an example. Not only did they raise six children, they served three LDS missions together in Mexico, Peru, and Chile. I hope Greg and I can do half the work they did in their lifetime.
The pictures turned out awesome. I defaintly need copies.
I'm sorry to hear about your Grandpa. Things like that can be so difficult. That's why I am so grateful for the gospel and the knowledge we have. I hope all is well with you and your family. Love you!
On your previous post...congratulations! I loved the pictures!
You got some great pictures Kara. I am so glad that Kyle and I were able to come out and be there to remember grandpa walser's amazing and influential life. (I need a copy of the family picture, it turned out great!)
I am sorry to hear that. It sounds like he really did live. Thinking of you and your family.
I am so sorry to hear about this. It sounds like your grandpa was an amazing man. You were very lucky! Kara I am so excited for you! I am dying to find out if mine is a girl or boy... and shhhh! I've already been shopping a little, I just buy stuff for both a girl or a boy! ha
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