February 19, 2009


My dear friend Aubrie tagged me to reveal six things about myself.
1. I like mac and cheese with ketchup.
2. I love to listen to Pandora radio.
3. Gregory and I had eighth grade Spanish class together with a teacher named Don Tomas. (upside down exclamation point)Hola!
4. I still haven't figure out if those bubbles I am feeling in my stomach are gurgles or my baby kicking. It's driving me crazy!
5. I don't have any nail polish on my toe nails for the first time in years.
5. I picked up a very cute cross stitching pattern book and made this creation:
It is now sitting nicely on Greg's night stand.


Aubrie said...

Mac-n-cheese with ketchup huh..that sounds interesting. I am going to have to try that--spice things up a bit! :)

Jacey said...

You are one crafty woman Kara! Love the Winter Cross stitch!